Traditional Budo

Traditional Budo Training & Study Group | "Ikigai"

Ikigai Dojo was the name of our school from 2008 to 2020.  Over time, it became a "catch-all" name for the various styles of Martial Arts, Qi Gong, and Meditation that were studied and practiced during that period.  In 2021, the name of our dojo was changed to "Ikigai Hoshin Dojo", which better reflects the fact that we are part of Hoshin Budo Ryu,   We decided to keep the Ikigai name in use but solely for our traditional budo training, study and research group, which is distinct from the primary training focus of our dojo, Hoshin, 

Our Traditional Budo training concentrates on the Budo arts, including Aikido, Traditional Karate and Kobudo, Judo (and modern forms of Jujutsu) and Kendo, amongst others.  In addition to studying these arts, including hosting and training with instructors from various disciplines, we also study Heiho (strategy) and research some of the schools and practices that are either no longer in existence or at risk of dying out, like Kappo (Katsu).  We do not typically study the Koryu arts and we recommend that anyone wishing to do so seeks out a teacher affiliated to one of the authentic schools and/or lineages.

Bujutsu (武術) and Budo (武道)

Bujutsu, in essence, means "martial arts" and its latter day evolution, Budo, means "martial way".  Each school or discipline can be a life-long study in themselves. 

While we focus on modern applications of Bujutsu in Hoshin, we train with an approach that closely follows the methods found in the classical Japanese, Okinawan and Chinese traditions.  We adopt traditional dojo etiquette and values, not just as a symbolic acknowledgement of the roots our art but because we find that they create an optimum environment for learning, training safely and personal development.  However, we also use more contemporary equipment and training methods, including live streaming, and digital video recording - we are developing skills to deal with the real world, not preparing for the battlefields of feudal Japan..

Study Group

Monthly study group focusing on a particular art or strategy text.

Workshops & Short Courses

Individual and group courses, ranging from introductory

and themed workshops to advanced level instruction   

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